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BioEnergetic and Alternative testing.....

Schedule Your Nutritional BioEnergetic Assessment today to start your healthy journey!


Why wait to start feeling more vibrant, energetic, improve overall health and well being. Learn what is at the root cause of your imbalance, lack of vitality, illness, or malnutrition. Is it hidden infection, inflammation, mineral deficiencies, food allergy, hormonal imbalance, toxic burden, heavy metals, dental complexities?....Remember, there is always a "cause"! Once we identify the cause, by assessing symptoms which are our body's cry for help, our fire "alarm system"...and should not be ignored!  It is very easy to suppress or mask symptoms, only to drive them it can be a smouldering fire. Alternative testing methods such as BioEnergetics, Igenex Inc. (Lyme), Saliva, Stool or Hair Mineral analysis, also help to establish an individualized targeted nutritional homeopathic protocol to give your body the building blocks it needs to bring balance and guide its own innate healing process.



These alternative tests can target specific energetic disturbances, blockages, toxic overload, deficiencies, hormonal, diabetes, adrenal fatigue, IBS, colitis, crohns, parasites, bacterial, viral, fungal, dental infections and more...   By gently balancing the bodies terrain throught nutrition, life style and diet  changes,  improved sleep, our bodies have the ability to balance on many levels which allows optimal healing response to take place.    Imagine what it would feel like to feel happy, joyful, balanced and energetic again?




Healthy physiology prevails pathology

Bio-energetic testing is a fast, accurate, non-invasive computerized analysis to determine imbalances in the body. Based on the research of Dr. Reinhold Voll in the 1940’s, it was established there is a network of energy channels called meridians, running throughout the body. Meridian points, some of which correlate to acupuncture points, can be used to collect energetic data with a computerized method called the Meridian Stress Assessment (MSA).

These meridian points are part of a network of energetic pathways which pass through the organs and tissues of the body.  


How Bio-energetic Testing works...The primary purpose of the MSA is to evaluate the energy flow through the body. Using a handheld stylus the MSA sends an electrical current through meridian points on the hands and feet. This painless procedure measures the energetic properties of each meridian and indicates whether it is balanced, stressed or weakened. Your health practitioner will then evaluate the results of the MSA and provide information on your body’s functional health.  


Bio-energetic testing is an essential tool in determining food and environmental sensitivities, digestive disturbances, hormonal imbalances, candida yeast, heavy metals in the body, thyroid imbalances, parasites, plus much more. Remedies, supplementation, as well as diet and lifestyle changes may be used to return stressed or weakened meridians back to a balanced state. This in turn, can promote optimal functional health.

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