Meet Linda Charron RDH, CHHP, BEP, AADP

Linda began practicing the art of dental hygiene in 1981 and has never stopped expanding her education. Her primary focus has always been on periodontal health and its relation to whole body health. Considering that the mouth is a very informative window into our internal wellbeing, Linda has embraced nutrition and its healing affect, as can be seen through the oral tissues. She passionately inspires, encourages and educates her patients on these natural principles.
In 2007, her continued interest in the oral-systemic link inspired her to expand her education in functional nutrition through the National Institute of Whole Health, Boston MA, and extensive nutritional courses through the University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport CT. In 2008, she graduated from The Energetics International College of BioEnergetic Medicine, Atlanta GA, as a certified BioEnergetic practitioner. Most recently, in 2013, Linda completed a year long advanced study in BioEnergetic Medicine through The Academy of International BioEnergetic Sciences in London, Ontario Canada. She has studied BioTherapeutic Drainage in Toronto, and has also studied Ulan Nutritional Response Testing (muscle testing) in Clearwater Fla.
Linda is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, a proud member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and the Weston A Price Foundation, enrolled in the ND program at Trinity School of Natural Health, and owns her own BioEnergetic, Functional Nutritional, alternative practice in Manchester, NH.
Linda's primary focus and interests are Lyme Disease, Neuroendocrine (hormonal) imbalances and gastrointestinal health (GERD, IBS, Crohns), optimal digestion and toxin elimination, as those are the core aspects of the immune system and root of all healing. Once the individual organ systems begin to receive proper nourishment, and the toxic burden is lightened, the entire body begins functioning more efficiently.
She utilizes and recommends various testing modalities to identify the root cause of illness, this is followed by an individualized protocol using powerful bio-compatible phytonutrients to guide the patients own innate healing ability to repair and restore optimal balance and well being!